Ultimate Paving Material Handbook: From Concrete to Tile

Are you tired of navigating through muddy paths that resemble a swamp? Look no further!

In this ultimate paving material guide, we will explore the top five materials – concrete, brick, gravel, limestone, and tile – to help you make an informed decision for your next project.

Whether you desire durability, elegance, or versatility, we’ve got you covered. Get ready to transform your pathways into sturdy, eye-catching masterpieces that will withstand the test of time.

Let’s dive in!

Pros and Cons of Concrete

Concrete is a versatile option for your pathway. It starts hardening in just two hours and can reach full strength within a few days. Its cost-effectiveness, durability, and low maintenance make it a popular choice for many homeowners.

Concrete is made up of a mixture of cement, aggregate, and sharp sand. The proportions of these components determine its strength and suitability for different purposes.

When installing a concrete pathway, it’s important to ensure the correct depth of material and proper sloping for excess water runoff. This will help prevent water pooling and potential damage to the pathway.

With proper installation and maintenance, a concrete pathway can last for many years. It provides a sturdy and reliable surface for your outdoor space. Regular cleaning and sealing can help maintain its appearance and prolong its lifespan.

Benefits and Dilemmas of Brick

When choosing brick as your paving material, keep in mind the distance from mature trees with complex root networks. It is important to dig and flatten the proposed area for the path and add a layer of crushed stone and sand as a base.

By using a border, you can keep the bricks in place. Brick offers several advantages, such as its durability and timeless appeal. It can also enhance the overall look of your landscape. However, there are some disadvantages to consider.

Brick can be more expensive than other paving materials, and it requires more maintenance, such as regular cleaning and sealing. Additionally, brick may not be suitable for heavy traffic areas. Overall, brick can be a great choice for your path, but make sure to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.

DurabilityHigher cost
Timeless appealRequires maintenance
Enhances landscapeNot suitable for heavy traffic areas

Gravel: A Versatile Paving Option

For a versatile and creative option, consider using gravel as your paving choice.

Gravel comes in a variety of colors, allowing you to create unique and visually appealing paths or driveways.

The different color options give you the flexibility to match or contrast with your existing landscape design.

Gravel can be used in various creative ways, such as creating intricate patterns or designs by mixing different colors together.

It can also be used to add texture and visual interest to your outdoor space.

Whether you want a rustic or modern look, gravel can be a great choice.

Additionally, gravel is easy to install and maintain, making it a practical option for homeowners who desire a beautiful yet low-maintenance paving solution.

The Allure of Limestone

Consider the allure of limestone for your outdoor space, as it enhances most informal gardens and is available in different colors.

Limestone is a durable material, making it a great choice for paving. It can withstand heavy traffic and is resistant to cracks and damage. However, it does require some maintenance to keep it looking its best.

Regular cleaning is necessary to remove dirt and debris. It is important to avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners, as they can damage the surface of the limestone. Instead, use a mild soap or limestone-specific cleaner.

Additionally, it is recommended to seal the limestone to protect it from stains and moisture.

With proper care, limestone can provide a beautiful and long-lasting addition to your outdoor space.

Exploring the Charm of Tile

To explore the charm of tile, you can choose from a variety of non-traditional designs that can add a modern touch to your outdoor space.

Consider the cost of tiles, as they can range from affordable ceramic options to more expensive natural stone varieties.

When it comes to maintenance, tiled paths require regular cleaning and occasional resealing to keep them looking their best.

Here are three key points to consider:

  1. Durability: Tiles are known for their durability and can withstand heavy foot traffic. However, it’s important to choose the right type of tile for your outdoor space based on its intended use and climate conditions.
  2. Slip Resistance: Look for tiles with a slip-resistant surface to ensure safety, especially in areas prone to water or moisture. This will help prevent accidents and injuries.
  3. Drainage: Proper drainage is crucial for tiled paths. Ensure that the tiles are installed with a slight slope to allow water to flow away from the path, preventing water accumulation and potential damage.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Paving Material

When choosing the right material for your path, it’s important to think about the overall landscaping and drainage. Cost considerations and environmental impact are also crucial factors to consider.

Concrete is a popular choice due to its durability and strength. It is made of cement, aggregate, and sharp sand, and can be customized to suit different purposes. However, concrete can be expensive to install and has a high environmental impact due to the production of cement.

Brick is another option, but it should be kept away from mature trees with complex root networks.

Gravel is cost-effective and comes in various colors, but it requires a weed-resistant membrane to prevent weed growth.

Limestone offers a unique aesthetic but requires lifting for installation and a compacted gravel base for heavy traffic areas.

Tile provides a Victorian look, but it may require a professional tiler and has limited design options for modern properties.

Consider these factors when choosing your paving material to ensure the best fit for your needs.

Practical Tips for Paving Success

To ensure a successful paving project, make sure you choose a suitable depth for the material. Proper preparation techniques and maintenance tips are crucial for long-lasting results.

Preparation Techniques:

Maintenance Tips:

Pouring Concrete Over Existing Asphalt

Are you thinking about upgrading your driveway and pondering the feasibility of pouring concrete over existing asphalt? This question often arises among homeowners planning to enhance their driveways without the labor-intensive process and cost of complete asphalt removal.

This comprehensive guide is intended to illuminate the possibilities and methods of such an approach, providing clarity for those considering this unique renovation strategy.

Is Overlaying Concrete on Asphalt a Practical Approach?

Overlaying concrete on asphalt can be a practical approach in certain scenarios, however, it typically requires a proper evaluation based on the individual site conditions, as well as the expected loads and traffic of the project. Additionally, the existing asphalt should be structurally sound and in good condition to ensure proper bond and longevity of the concrete overlay. Overall, overlaying asphalt with concrete can be cost-effective and a time-efficient solution in cases where full-depth concrete replacement is not necessary.

How Well Does Concrete Adhere to Asphalt?

The answer depends on a few factors. First, the condition of the asphalt must be taken into consideration. If the asphalt is in poor condition or has a lot of loose material, it might not provide enough support for the concrete. In these cases, it’s best to remove and replace the existing asphalt first. On the other hand, if the asphalt is in good condition and there’s little to no loose material, then it should be able to provide a suitable foundation for the concrete. 

Another factor that will determine how well concrete adheres to asphalt is what type of adhesive you use. There are various types of adhesives available on the market, each formulated to work on different surfaces. When selecting the right adhesive for your project, it’s important to choose one that is specifically designed for concrete-to-asphalt applications.

Is It Feasible to Overlay an Asphalt Driveway with Concrete?

Indeed, overlaying an asphalt driveway with concrete is feasible. This approach has its advantages, such as enhancing the driveway’s longevity and aesthetics, but it’s crucial to ensure the asphalt’s proper condition before undertaking this project.

Overlaying an asphalt driveway with concrete is certainly possible, and can provide a number of benefits. When properly installed over an asphalt surface that is in good condition, concrete can significantly extend the life of the pavement, as well as improve its appearance. Furthermore, a concrete overlay will provide added strength to the underlying asphalt and provide superior protection from wear and tear, weathering, and normal deterioration.

When Is It Inadvisable to Overlay Concrete on Asphalt?

Though advantageous, overlaying concrete isn’t always the ideal solution. If the asphalt is severely damaged or deteriorating, it might not provide a reliable base for the concrete. In such instances, removing and replacing the old asphalt may be a better approach.

Pouring concrete over existing asphalt can be an efficient and cost-effective way to cover a damaged surface, but it isn’t always the best choice. Before starting any such project, it is important to assess the condition of the existing asphalt structure. If it is deteriorating or has suffered severe damage, overlaying may not provide a solid enough foundation for the concrete. In this case, removing and replacing

Can Concrete Be Used to Fill Asphalt Cracks?

Although filling asphalt cracks with concrete is possible, it’s typically not recommended due to differences in material properties such as flexibility and thermal expansion. Consider using a rubberized asphalt-emulsion crack filler designed specifically for asphalt driveways.

Pouring concrete over existing asphalt is not recommended for many reasons. The main reason is the differences in material properties between concrete and asphalt. Asphalt is a flexible material, while concrete is rigid and inflexible. When temperatures fluctuate, as they are known to do in many climates, the asphalt will expand or contract to accommodate the temperature change whereas concrete will remain unchanged. This can cause major cracking and/or damage to the concrete layer, which may then require costly repairs.

Additionally, asphalt is thinner than concrete, meaning that more layers of asphalt need to be laid to achieve the same level of stability as a single layer of concrete. Therefore, pouring a new concrete layer will only make matters worse by adding extra thickness and weight on top of an already weakened layer. Asphalt remains the better choice for regions with frequent fluctuations in temperature and for those looking to quickly repair their driveway or pavement.

Steps to Layer Concrete Over Asphalt

For homeowners considering this project, the following step-by-step guide can be followed:

Preparing the Existing Asphalt

Before any new layer of concrete can be added, the existing asphalt must be thoroughly prepared to ensure a durable, long-lasting surface. You’ll need to start by cleaning the surface to remove dirt, dust, and debris. Then, fill in any gaps or cracks with a patching material.

After that, you’ll want to compact the surface with a roller to make sure it’s solid and secure. Finally, you should apply a sealant to protect the asphalt from water damage and wear and tear.

Once the existing asphalt is prepped, you can start the process of pouring the concrete. It’s important to use the right materials and techniques to ensure the concrete is properly mixed and spread to create a level, even surface.

Applying a Bonding Agent

a cement truck with a work laying down concrete

You must apply the bonding agent with extreme care as if you’re gluing a piece of glass together – it’s THAT important!

Applying a bonding agent before laying concrete over existing asphalt is essential to ensure a solid bond between the two materials. It’s important to use a bonding agent that is specifically designed for this purpose, as not all agents are suitable for concrete and asphalt adhesion.

The preparation is key to ensure a successful application, and the bonding agent should be applied in two layers. First, apply the bonding agent to the asphalt in a uniform coat, using a trowel or brush. Be sure to remove any debris or dirt from the asphalt surface.

Once the first layer has been applied, allow the bonding agent to dry before applying the second layer. The second layer should be applied with a more generous amount of bonding agent and should be spread evenly with a roller.

Allow the bonding agent to fully dry before pouring the concrete.

Mixing and Pouring the Concrete

After the bonding agent has been applied and dried, it’s time to mix and lay down the concrete to make a strong, long-lasting foundation.

To get started, mix concrete in a wheelbarrow with a spade or hoe according to the manufacturer’s instructions. It’s important to ensure the concrete is completely mixed before pouring.

After this is done, shovel the concrete onto the asphalt and spread it with a rake, making sure it is evenly distributed.

Once the concrete is laid down, it’s time to smooth it out with a trowel. Make sure to fill in any holes or uneven spots, and use a bull float to create a slightly sloped surface. Finally, use a hand float to finish the job and create a smooth surface.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when mixing and pouring concrete:

Finishing the Concrete

 A worker using a hand tool to finish off concrete.

Once the concrete is laid, it’s time to make it look perfect – don’t let the hard work go to waste!

Finishing the concrete is a detail-oriented process that requires experience and skill. Start by using a steel trowel to level and smooth the surface. Move the trowel in a circular motion to create a uniform, even surface.

Use a finishing broom to create a non-slip surface. Move the broom in a sweeping motion to create a uniform texture. If you want to add a decorative finish to the concrete, create a design with a groover tool that will leave an impression on the concrete surface. Use a steel float to fill up the grooves and smooth out the surface.

Finally, use a sealer to protect the concrete and give it a glossy finish. With the right technique, you can make the concrete surface look perfect.

Curing the Concrete

Now that the concrete’s been laid and finished, it’s time to cure it for maximum durability and strength.

Curing concrete is an essential step in the process of pouring concrete over existing asphalt to ensure that it has the strength and durability to last.

The curing process gives the concrete time to harden and reach its maximum strength.

It’s important to keep the concrete moist during the curing process in order to prevent it from cracking.

This can be done by covering the concrete with a plastic sheet, or by sprinkling it with water.

The curing time will depend on the size, thickness, and type of concrete, but it’s generally recommended to wait at least 28 days before putting any heavy load on the concrete.

During this time, you should also inspect the concrete regularly to make sure it’s curing properly.

With proper care and attention, the concrete should be strong and durable for years to come.

What Other Materials Can Be Used Over Asphalt?

Asphalt can be overlaid with several other materials, including asphalt sealer, an additional asphalt layer (commonly known as an overlay), or paving stones. Each has its pros and cons, warranting careful consideration.

When it comes to pouring concrete over existing asphalt, the pros and cons must be weighed carefully. On one hand, pouring concrete over asphalt is a quick and relatively inexpensive solution for resurfacing aged asphalt pavement. This approach also requires less preparation than other methods of resurfacing. On the other hand, this method can cause problems with water drainage. The concrete overlay will need to be sloped in


In conclusion, overlaying your existing asphalt driveway with concrete can be an efficient and cost-effective method for revitalizing your property’s exterior. Though it requires careful preparation and attention to detail, the end result can be both durable and aesthetically pleasing, adding value to your home. However, before making the decision to proceed with this project, it’s important to evaluate the condition of your current asphalt surface and consider the specific requirements and potential challenges that might arise. With the right planning and execution, a concrete overlay can breathe new life into an old asphalt driveway.

Blacktop Driveway Sealing: DIY vs. Hiring a Professional

Sealing your asphalt driveway is an important part of maintaining your home. It protects the asphalt from weather damage and extends its lifespan.

But should you do it yourself or hire a professional? In this blog post, we’ll explore the pros and cons of both DIY sealing and hiring a professional contractor. By the end, you should have a better idea of which option is right for you.

What is Blacktop Driveway Sealing?

Blacktop driveway sealing is the process of applying a protective coating to an asphalt or blacktop driveway. The sealant helps to protect the driveway from damage caused by weather, UV rays, and chemicals such as oil and gasoline.

It also helps to prevent cracks from forming in the pavement, which can lead to more serious issues over time.

Blacktop driveway sealing typically involves cleaning the surface of the driveway, filling any cracks or potholes, and then applying a layer of sealant using specialized equipment such as a sprayer or squeegee.

The whole process is designed to extend the life of your driveway and keep it looking its best for years to come.

Why is Sealing Your Blacktop Driveway Important?

Sealing your blacktop driveway is important for several reasons:

  1. Extra protection from the elements: Sealant forms a barrier between your driveway and the elements, protecting it from damage caused by rain, snow, ice, and sun exposure.
  2. Preventing cracks: Over time, exposure to the elements can cause small cracks to form in your driveway. These cracks can quickly turn into larger ones if left unsealed, leading to more serious issues that may require costly repairs.
  3. Improved appearance: A freshly sealed blacktop driveway looks clean and new, improving the overall curb appeal of your home.
  4. Routine maintenance: Sealing your driveway regularly is a cost-effective way to maintain its condition over time. By preventing damage before it occurs, you can avoid expensive repairs down the line.

Overall, sealing your blacktop driveway is an important step in maintaining its condition and extending its lifespan. It’s recommended to have your driveway sealed every 2-3 years or as needed based on its condition and usage.

DIY Blacktop Driveway Sealing

There are many reasons why homeowners might choose to seal their own driveways. The most obvious benefit is cost savings. If you’re on a tight budget, doing it yourself can be a great way to stretch your dollars. You’ll also have more control over the process, which can be helpful if you’re particular about how you want things done.

If you’re considering a DIY approach, there are a few things you should know. First, it’s important to have some experience with asphalt repair or maintenance before attempting to seal your own driveway. Otherwise, you could end up doing more harm than good.

Second, you’ll need to rent or purchase all the necessary equipment, including an asphalt roller, squeegee, brush, and tar kettle.

This can add up to a significant investment, so be sure to factor that into your decision-making process. Finally, keep in mind that sealing your driveway is hard work. It’s not unusual for people to underestimate the time and effort required to get the job done right.

How Much Does It Cost to Seal a Driveway Yourself?

Doing it yourself is a great way to save on driveway sealing costs, but there are some considerations you’ll want to make before beginning the process.

To seal an entire driveway yourself, you can expect to pay about $3.60 per square foot instead of spending around $4.75 for labor if you hire a professional asphalt sealer. That savings of $1.15 per square foot comes out to a total of $575 for the entire job, so it’s definitely worth giving it a try if you’re looking to cut costs on your driveway sealing project.

However, with any DIY home improvement task, there are risks involved should anything go wrong during the process. If your driveway comes out uneven or patchy due to incorrect application, you may need to hire a professional in order to fix any errors and ensure that the final result is satisfactory.

In such cases, attempting DIY sealing could end up costing more due to additional labor time required by professionals hired to fix things up post-sealing job.

Whatever path you choose in terms of driveway sealing, be sure you take all necessary precautions and do your research beforehand so that the final outcome is just as good as if not better than what a professional can offer!

How Long Does it Take to Sealcoat a Driveway?

Sealing a driveway is an important step in maintaining its integrity and safety, but it can also be a tricky task. Sealing is generally best done during the summer months when temperatures are above 50 degrees and the weather is ideal. The whole process should take no more than two days to complete. The first step involves collecting the necessary supplies such as a coat of sealer, brushes, mixing buckets, and a garden hose.

Next, it’s time to clean the surface of debris and dirt before hosing off any excess water to prevent puddles from forming.

Once the driveway is dry, you are ready to apply the sealant. Cover up any nearby foliage or grass with drop cloths before using a brush to spread sealer evenly across the surface until it looks uniform in color. Allow this to dry for 12-24 hours before you can assess if more layers need to be added.

Finally, your driveway should be safe to walk on after 24 hours of curing time but leave your car for another 48 hours until completely dry for full protection against wear and tear from traffic

How to seal a blacktop driveway

The first step in sealing an asphalt driveway is preparing the surface for sealant. This is done by cleaning the area with a cleaning agent that’s specifically made for driveways, such as a degreaser or commercially available asphalt cleaner.

After allowing the area to dry – usually about 24 hours – any cracks can then be filled with an appropriate sealant. In some cases, oil spots may need to be addressed as well by applying an asphalt oil-based primer before completing the crack-filling process.

Once the cracks have been filled and have had enough time to cure and adhere to the underlying asphalt surface, it’s important to sweep away all loose debris before beginning the sealing process. Treating any oil spots with a special primer will help ensure that your driveway will be adequately sealed, so make sure this is done if needed.

After ensuring that all areas are clean, you can apply a commercial-grade asphalt sealant using either a roller or a sprayer.

Make sure you give even coverage over the entire surface and don’t forget to cover edges where your driveway meets sidewalks or other pavement features.

Once applied allow 24 hours of drying time before heavy vehicular traffic is allowed on your newly sealed driveway.

When it comes to applying asphalt sealant, using the right equipment can make all the difference. Asphalt sealcoating equipment, such as asphalt sealer spray machines and asphalt sealing tools, are essential for achieving a smooth and even application.

The spray machines are especially helpful for larger driveways, while the sealing tools are great for small areas and touch-ups.

Investing in quality driveway sealant and equipment is key to ensuring that your residential driveway stays protected from the elements and looks great for years to come.

So, whether you choose to tackle the job yourself or hire a professional, be sure to take the time to properly prepare the surface and use the right tools for the job.

Avoid these common blacktop driveway sealing mistakes

One of the most common driveway seal coating mistakes is depending on the sealer to fill cracks. If a single driveway has a large or small crack, it should be filled using the appropriate filler before applying a sealer. Even though some sealers come with agents that promise to repair minor cracks, this will not make them disappear entirely.

Therefore, it is important to use the right kind of filler so that you can ensure that it doesn’t break down over time and cause further damage to your driveway surface.

Another mistake when it comes to driveway sealing is failing to clean and prep the area prior to applying the sealer.

This means getting rid of any dirt or debris in order to get smooth and even coverage. If you don’t spend time cleaning your driveway, then the sealer won’t stick properly and could end up running off or pooling in certain areas.

Additionally, any liquid spills should also be wiped away in order for the sealer to stay intact for longer. Proper stirring of the sealer itself is another factor that mustn’t be overlooked either; if it’s not mixed properly then it might have an uneven finish once applied.

Using an excess sealer is another mistake that can be avoided. Too much sealer will create a thick coating that cracks as it dries, resulting in further damage to your driveway surface.

To avoid this, you should make sure to apply the sealant evenly and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application. Another tip is to avoid applying sealer when temperatures are very high or

Check the Weather Before you Start

Checking the weather before you begin any asphalt driveway sealing project is essential for both saving time and money. This is because you need at least two days of dry weather to allow time for the sealer to fully cure.

Moreover, temperatures must remain above 50 degrees F during application and throughout the night of its application in order to preserve the effectiveness of the sealer.

Moreover, it’s best to avoid applying sealer on hot, sunny days as this can cause the sealer to dry too quickly.

If you ignore the forecast, your $100 worth of sealer might get washed away in a heavy rainstorm. Therefore, always consult a reliable weather forecast ahead of time and plan accordingly if you’re going to start a paving project.

Make sure to postpone or rearrange plans depending on what type of conditions are in store before beginning any sealing project on an asphalt driveway.

Buying the Right Materials to seal your blacktop driveway

When it comes to purchasing driveway sealers, buyers should carefully consider their options. Though there may be bargain products that may initially seem more cost-effective, these types of sealers often contain large amounts of water, meaning they have lower coverage rates and shorter guarantees. Therefore, in the long term, they may not be the best value for money.

Premium quality sealers are made with higher quality resins and UV stabilizers and also contain filler and elastomeric material which make them a much more reliable option being that they last longer and typically offer longer guarantees.

It is also essential that buyers check the manufacturer’s labels carefully when selecting driveway sealer because different formulas will suit different sealing conditions; for example, newer driveways require one formula whereas older ones in need of regular maintenance require another.

Coverage levels also differ by product so one has to choose the correct sealer and quantity to avoid overspending or running short on materials before the job is completed.

Pros of DIY

Cons of DIY

Professional for Blacktop Driveway Sealing

On the other hand, there are plenty of good reasons to hire a professional contractor for blacktop driveway sealing.

The most obvious advantage is that it’s much less work for you! A professional will have all the necessary equipment and expertise to get the job done quickly and efficiently. They can also spot potential problems with your asphalt that you might not be able to see (or know how to fix).

Of course, there are some potential downsides to hiring a professional too. The most significant one is cost – hiring someone to do the job will almost always be more expensive than doing it yourself. However, it’s important to remember that you get what you pay for.

A cheap contractor might cut corners or do a subpar job that will need to be redone sooner than if you had just hired someone reputable in the first place.

That’s why it’s so important to do your research before hiring anyone – look for online reviews, check references, and make sure they’re properly licensed and insured in your state or province.

What is the cost of hiring a professional blacktop sealer?

The average cost of sealing an asphalt driveway costs around $470. However, depending on your specific needs the price can range anywhere between $250 to $770 at the lower end and up to $1,500 at the higher end. To get a better estimate of exactly how much it will cost you to seal a driveway all you’d have to do is ask for multiple quotes from different asphalt experts in your area.

This way you’ll be able to compare prices as well as read reviews or previous customer feedback about each company before making a decision. Some pros may have access to special discounts or materials that could help reduce costs even further so don’t forget to ask about those too!

Ultimately, it pays off greatly in the long run if you take the time to find the right contractor for your driveway sealing needs. With proper care and maintenance, an asphalt driveway can last for many years.


Making Your Decision

So which option is right for you? Ultimately, it depends on your needs and circumstances. If cost is your primary concern, then DIY might be the way to go (assuming you’re comfortable with tackling such a big project). If time is of the essence or you’re not confident in your ability to do the job well, then hiring a professional is probably your best bet.

No matter what decision you make, be sure to take action soon! The longer you wait to seal your blacktop driveway, the more damage weather and traffic will cause – leading to an even bigger repair bill down the road.


In conclusion, sealing your blacktop driveway is a crucial step in maintaining its condition and extending its lifespan.

By protecting it from the elements, preventing cracks, improving its appearance, and providing cost-effective maintenance, you can ensure that your driveway remains in good condition for years to come. It’s important to have your driveway sealed every 2-3 years or as needed based on its condition and usage.

A professional asphalt sealcoating service can help you determine the best course of action for your driveway and provide an expert application of high-quality sealant products. So don’t wait until it’s too late – invest in the long-term health of your blacktop driveway today!

How to Hire the Right Paving Contractor for the Job

Hiring a paving contractor for your driveway, patio, or other projects can be an intimidating task. With so many companies out there, how do you know who to trust? It’s important to take your time and research different contractors before making a final decision. Here are 5 tips that will help you find the best paving contractor for your job.

1. Get Recommendations From Friends and Family

One of the best ways to find a reputable paving contractor is by asking around your circle of friends and family. Chances are good that someone you know has had work done recently, so ask them who they used and what their experience was like. It’s also worth checking online review sites like Angie’s List or Yelp to see what previous customers have said about certain contractors.

2. Check Their Website

A great way to get an idea of what kind of services a paving company provides is by visiting their website. Are they professional? Do they provide detailed information about their services? Do they have any customer testimonials on their site? These are all questions you should ask yourself when looking at a potential contractor’s website. This information can help you make an informed decision about who to hire for your project.

3. Verify Insurance Information

When hiring a paving contractor, it’s essential that you verify their insurance information first. You want to make sure that if something goes wrong during the course of the job, then the company is properly insured and can cover any damages or injuries caused by their employees or equipment. Ask for proof of insurance before signing any contracts with a paving contractor.

4. Request Estimates from Multiple Companies

To ensure you’re getting the best deal possible, it pays to request estimates from multiple companies before making a final decision on which one to hire for the job. Ask each company how much they charge per square foot and what materials they use in order to get an accurate comparison between them all. This will help you find the best value for your money when hiring a paving contractor.

5 . Read All Contracts Carefully Before Signing Anything

Finally, once you have narrowed down your choices and have decided on which one to go with, it’s important that you read through all contracts carefully before signing anything. Make sure everything is spelled out clearly — including payment terms, timelines, warranties, etc.—and don’t be afraid to ask questions if something doesn’t make sense or isn’t clear enough. Once everything looks good, sign off on it! If not, move on to another option.


Finding a reputable paving contractor doesn’t have to be hard—as long as you follow these 5 easy tips! Take your time researching different companies and gathering estimates until you’ve found one that meets both your budget and expectations. With these tips in hand, finding the perfect contractor should be relatively stress-free! Homeowners should feel confident in knowing they are making an educated decision when choosing which paving company will take care of their next project.

How Long Does It Take For Asphalt To Dry?

Asphalt is a popular choice for driveways and parking lots because it is durable and relatively easy to install. However, one of the downsides of asphalt is that it can take a long time to dry. In some cases, it can take up to 24 – 72 hours for the asphalt to fully cure.

This can be frustrating for home and business owners who are eager to use their new driveway or parking lot. However, it is important to be patient and wait for the asphalt to dry before using it. Otherwise, you risk damaging the asphalt or causing it to degrade prematurely.

This blog post will discuss how long it takes for asphalt to dry and why you should avoid using it until it is completely cured.

What is asphalt, and why is it popular for driveways and parking lots?

Asphalt is a great choice for several reasons. First, asphalt is a relatively inexpensive material. It is also easy to install and repair, which makes it a good option for busy homeowners. Additionally, asphalt is durable and can withstand a lot of wear and tear. It is also low-maintenance, meaning that it doesn’t require much upkeep. Finally, asphalt is attractive and comes in a variety of colors. All of these factors make asphalt a popular choice for driveways and parking lots.

How Long Does It Take For Asphalt To Dry?

One of the downsides of asphalt is that it can take a long time to dry. Sometimes, it can take 24 – 72 hours for the asphalt to fully cure.

This can be frustrating for home and business owners eager to use their new driveway or parking lot. However, it is essential to be patient and wait for the asphalt to dry before using it. Otherwise, you risk damaging the asphalt or causing it to degrade prematurely.

So how long does it take for asphalt to dry? And what are some of the factors that can affect the drying time? Let’s take a closer look.

Factors That Affect Drying Time

Several factors can affect how long it takes for asphalt to dry. These include:

Generally speaking, hot weather with low humidity levels will help speed up the drying process. Conversely, cold weather or high humidity levels can slow the drying process. Similarly, a thinner layer of asphalt will dry faster than a thicker layer. And lastly, certain types of asphalt mixes can also affect drying time. For example, mixes that contain more sand will tend to dry faster than those with more gravel.

What are the risks of using asphalt before it fully dries?

Asphalt is a material commonly used in the construction of roads and driveways. Once it is laid down, it needs time to dry and cure before it can be used.

However, there are times when asphalt may be used before it is fully dry, which can lead to several problems.

The asphalt may not harden properly, leading to cracks and potholes. In addition, the asphalt may not bond correctly with the underlying pavement, resulting in uneven surfaces.

Additionally, using asphalt before it is fully dry can release harmful fumes into the air.

For these reasons, waiting for asphalt to dry thoroughly before using it is crucial.

How can you tell if the asphalt has thoroughly dried or not?

The asphalt has to be dry before you can start to use it. There are a few ways that you can tell if the asphalt is dry or not. One way is to touch the asphalt.

If it feels dry to the touch, it is ready to be used. Another way is to look at the asphalt. It is probably still wet if it is dark, and you should not use it.

If it is a light color, then it means that it is most likely dry, and you can start using it. Lastly, you can also smell the asphalt.

If it smells strong, then that means that the asphalt is still drying, and you should not use it yet.

However, if it does not smell as strong, then that means that the asphalt is most likely dry, and you can start using it.

Three tips for avoiding damage to your driveway or parking lot while the asphalt dries

Asphalt is a popular material for driveways and parking lots because it is durable and relatively easy to maintain. However, asphalt can be damaged if it is not allowed to dry correctly after installation. Here are three tips for avoiding damage to your asphalt:

  1. Avoid driving or parking on the asphalt until it is completely dry. If you must drive or park on wet asphalt, go slowly to minimize the risk of tire marks or other damage.
  2. Keep cars and other vehicles off the asphalt as much as possible while drying. If you must park on the asphalt, use blocks or mats under your tires to distribute the weight evenly and prevent tire marks.
  3. Do not apply sealants or coatings to the asphalt until it has had time to cure properly. Using these materials too soon can cause them to bond poorly with the asphalt, causing peeling and flaking.

Following these tips can help ensure that your asphalt driveway or parking lot stays in good condition. Want more tips? Check out this post on asphalt maintenance.


Asphalt is an excellent choice for a new driveway or parking lot because it is durable and relatively easy to install. However, one downside of asphalt is that it can take up to 24 – 72 hours to dry completely.

This can be frustrating for home and business owners eager to use their new driveway or parking lot, but it is essential to be patient and wait for the asphalt to fully cure before using it. Doing so will prevent damaging the asphalt or causing premature degradation.

How does a pothole form, and How to fix them

You’ve probably had to dodge at least a few potholes on your daily commute if you’re like most people. But what causes these pesky road hazards in the first place? How does a pothole form, and how can you prevent them from damaging your car? Stay tuned – we’re about to find out!

What are potholes, and what causes them to form?

The most common causes of pothole formation are freezing temperatures and heavy traffic.

When water seeps into cracks in the pavement, it expands as it freezes, causing the cracks to widen. Over time, this process can create large potholes.

Heavy traffic also puts stress on the pavement, which can cause existing cracks to worsen and eventually turn into potholes. While potholes may seem like just a nuisance, they can cause serious damage to vehicles if left unrepaired. As such, it is important for road crews to regularly inspect roads for potholes and take action to repair them before they cause any accidents.

How potholes can be repaired

Potholes are an all too common sight on our roads and sidewalks. These gaping holes can cause damage to our vehicles and pose a tripping hazard for pedestrians. Fortunately, there are a few different ways to repair potholes.

Best way to fix potholes

The most common method is simply filling the hole with asphalt or concrete. However, this is only a temporary fix, as the materials will eventually break down, and the pothole will reappear. A more permanent solution is to mill out the damaged area and install new paving materials. This method is more expensive and time-consuming, but it will typically last for many years before needing to be repaired again.

In either case, it’s important to address potholes promptly to keep our roads and sidewalks safe.

The cost of repairing potholes

The cost of repairing potholes can vary depending on the size and severity of the damage, as well as the method used for repair. However, it is generally estimated that the cost of fixing potholes in Pennsylvania amounts to millions yearly.

Repairing potholes is a time-consuming and expensive process. First, the affected area must be cleaned out, and then new asphalt must be brought in and compacted. The repair cost can vary depending on the size and depth of the pothole, but it is typically several hundred dollars per pothole.

In some cases, entire road sections may need to be repaved, costing tens of thousands of dollars. As a result, preventing potholes from forming in the first place is essential for keeping repair costs down.

How potholes can damage your car

Potholes are a common hazard on roads and highways, and they can cause significant damage to your car if you’re not careful. The most obvious danger is that potholes can puncture your tires, leading to a flat tire.

But potholes can also damage your car’s suspension, alignment, and wheels. In extreme cases, potholes can even cause serious accidents. That’s why it’s important to be aware of the dangers of potholes and take steps to avoid them.

When driving, keep an eye out for potholes and give yourself plenty of room to maneuver around them. If you can’t avoid a pothole, slow down as much as possible before hitting it.

And if you hit a pothole, be sure to have your car inspected by a qualified mechanic to ensure there’s no hidden damage. By taking these precautions, you can help protect your car from the hazards of potholes.

How to report a pothole in your area

Every state has a different process for reporting potholes, but you will generally need to contact your local transportation department or public works. In some cases, you may also be able to report the pothole online.

The benefits of repairing potholes

Aside from preventing damage to cars and keeping the roads in good condition, repairing potholes can also have several other benefits. For example, it can improve safety by reducing the risk of accidents and reducing noise pollution from cars bouncing over potholes.

Fortunately, potholes can be easily repaired with some basic tools and materials. Filling in a pothole will not only improve the appearance of your street or driveway, but it will also help to prevent further damage to your property.

In addition, repairing potholes can help to improve drainage and reduce the risk of flooding. By filling in any potholes on your property, you can help keep your community safe and looking its best.

Are there any long-term solutions to the problem of potholes?

Unfortunately, there is no easy fix for the problem of potholes. However, several measures can be taken to help prevent them from forming in the first place, such as regular road surface maintenance and weather-resistant materials.

In addition, new technologies are being developed that may help to detect and repair potholes before they cause any damage automatically.

Potholes are a common problem in many cities and towns and can be a real hassle for drivers. They can also be dangerous, as they can cause cars to lose control or even flip over.

While there is no surefire way to prevent potholes from forming, some things can be done to help reduce their frequency.

One of the best ways to reduce the formation of potholes is to keep the road surface in good condition. This means regularly repairing cracks and other damage, as well as resurfacing.


Potholes are common on roads across Pennsylvania and can cause serious damage to your car. But what causes them to form in the first place?

In this article, we’ve explained what potholes are and shown you how they’re created. We also asked our readers if they have any pothole-related horror stories – so if you do, be sure to share them in the comments!

tell the reader to our blog post about crack sealing

If you’re looking for more information on crack sealing and its benefits, then be sure to check out our blog post! We cover all the basics of crack sealing, from how it works to how it can help preserve your pavement. Thanks for reading!

5 Facts About Asphalt Driveways That Will Make You Want One

If you’re considering getting a new driveway, you may wonder if asphalt is the right choice. There are many reasons why asphalt driveways are so popular. Here are seven facts that will help you make up your mind:

Why are Asphalt driveways so Popular?

Asphalt driveways are among the most popular choices for home and business owners. There are many reasons for this, but the three most common ones are durability, cost, and aesthetics.

Regarding durability, asphalt is very tough and can withstand a lot of wear and tear. It’s also resistant to damage from weather and chemicals. As far as cost goes, asphalt is one of the most affordable paving materials available.

And when it comes to aesthetics, asphalt can be tinted and textured to resemble more expensive paving materials like brick or stone. For all these reasons, it’s no wonder that asphalt driveways are so popular.

Asphalt Driveway Pros and Cons

Any homeowner who has had to replace their driveway knows that it is not a cheap investment. If well-maintained, driveways can last for many years, but they will eventually need to be replaced.

When choosing a new driveway material, many homeowners find themselves torn between concrete and asphalt. Both materials have their own unique set of pros and cons.

Asphalt is generally cheaper than concrete and easier to repair, while concrete is more durable and elegant. Ultimately, the decision comes down to personal preference and budget.

Pros of an asphalt driveway

Cons of an asphalt driveway

As you can see, there are both pros and cons to having an asphalt driveway. Ultimately, the decision comes down to personal preference and budget.

Asphalt is a great choice if you’re looking for an affordable and durable option. Concrete may be a better option if you want something more durable.

If you’re still undecided, why not talk to us, Nathan’s Paving? We can help you weigh the pros and cons of each material and make a recommendation based on your specific needs.

5 Facts About Asphalt Driveways

Asphalt driveways are popular for many homeowners due to their durability, cost, and aesthetics.

Here are five facts about asphalt driveways that will help you make up your mind:

1. Asphalt is cheaper than concrete

As anyone who has ever paved a driveway knows, asphalt is cheaper than concrete. The material costs less, and the installation is faster and easier. As a result, asphalt driveways are typically much less expensive than concrete driveways.

2. Asphalt is easier to repair than concrete

Regarding driveways, there are a few different options to choose from. Asphalt and concrete are two of the most popular choices. Both materials have their own pros and cons, but when it comes to repairability, asphalt definitely has the upper hand.

Asphalt is a much more flexible material than concrete, so it can withstand a fair amount of wear and tear without cracking.

Cracks in an asphalt driveway can usually be repaired fairly easily with some patching material and a little elbow grease. On the other hand, concrete is much more brittle, so even small cracks can quickly turn into major repair jobs.

In addition, concrete driveways require specialized equipment and training to repair properly, so the average homeowner is often better off hiring a professional. Asphalt is the clear winner regarding repairability when all is said and done.

3. Nice added curb appeal to your home

Another big selling point for asphalt is its curb appeal. Asphalt driveways can look as good as concrete or stone driveways when installed correctly.

Asphalt can be tinted and textured to resemble more expensive paving materials like brick or stone. For all these reasons, it’s no wonder that asphalt driveways are so popular.

4. Easy to maintain

Asphalt driveways are also very easy to maintain. They don’t require much in the way of special care, just the occasional sweep and an annual sealing.

Concrete driveways, on the other hand, need to be regularly cleaned with a power washer to prevent mildew and staining. In addition, concrete driveways.

5. Flexibility

Asphalt is a very adaptable paving substance, making it perfect for use on streets and parking lots with a lot of traffic. It can also be utilized in various temperatures, from warm to cool. Asphalt is also less prone to settle than other materials, resulting in a smoother driving surface.


Asphalt driveways are popular because they are cheaper than concrete, easier to repair, and more appealing. They are also easy to maintain and very flexible. Contact Nathan’s Paving. We would be happy to help you choose the best option for your home.

How to Maintain Your Asphalt Driveway for a Longer Lifespan

Asphalt is one of the most popular driveway materials because it is durable and affordable. However, it is important to properly maintain your asphalt driveway if you want it to last for many years. In this blog post, we will discuss tips on keeping your asphalt driveway looking great and lasting for a long time.

1. Clean your driveway regularly to remove dirt, dust, and debris

As any homeowner knows, a clean driveway makes a big difference in the overall appearance of your home.

But beyond just being aesthetically pleasing, regularly cleaning your driveway also helps to prolong its lifespan.

Dirt, dust, and debris can build up on the surface of your driveway, making it more susceptible to cracking and other damage.

That’s why it’s important to sweep or power wash your driveway regularly.

In addition, be sure to repair any cracks or potholes as soon as they appear.

These simple steps allow you to keep your asphalt driveway looking great for years to come.

2. Seal your driveway every few years to protect it from the elements

Asphalt driveways are popular for many homeowners because they are durable and low maintenance. However, to keep your asphalt driveway in good condition, it is important to seal it every few years.

Sealing an asphalt driveway helps to protect it from the elements and prevent cracking or potholes from forming.

3. Patch any cracks or holes that appear on the surface

Over time, the surface of an asphalt driveway will start to show signs of wear and tear. Small cracks and divots are not only unsightly, but they can also lead to larger problems if left unaddressed.  Fix any cracks or divots as soon as you notice them. Doing so will help prevent water from seeping into the cracks and causing further damage.

4. Clean any spills and stains immediately

Spills and stains are inevitable, but cleaning them up as soon as they happen is important.

If left sitting, spills, and stains can penetrate the surface of your driveway, causing damage that is difficult to repair.

So, be sure to clean any spills or stains immediately. The sooner you address them, the better.

5. Avoid overwatering

Asphalt is a porous material, which means that it can absorb water. One of the most common causes of asphalt damage is overwatering. Water seeping into the pavement can cause the asphalt to crack and crumble.

In addition, overwatering can also lead to the growth of moss and other vegetation, which can further damage the pavement. As a result, it is important to avoid overwatering your asphalt driveway.

6. Get rid of standing water

If you see water pooling up on your driveway, it’s important to take action.

Standing water can damage the surface of your driveway and lead to cracking or potholes.

Water will leak into any cracks or divots and cause them to expand.

So, be sure to get rid of standing water as soon as you see it.

If you notice new puddles forming on your driveway. Time to call in a professional. This could be indicative of a much larger issue developing.

7. Get rid of any weeds around your driveway

Weeds are tough and can cause serious problems if you let them grow unchecked. Cracks in your asphalt driveway are one of the most common problems that weeds can cause.

As the roots of the weeds grow, they push against the asphalt and cause it to crack. The cracks then provide a way for water to seep in and further damage the driveway. But you can prevent all of this by simply getting rid of any weeds that pop up in your driveway.

Pulling them by hand is usually the best way to go, but you can also use a weed killer if necessary. Either way, taking care of the problem now will save you a lot of time and money in the long run.


Maintaining an asphalt driveway is a great way to keep your driveway looking great and lasting for many years. With the tips outlined in this blog post, you can ensure that your asphalt driveway stays in top condition for years to come. I

If you have any more questions about asphalt driveways or need more advice, be sure to check out our blog post about crack sealing, asphalt overlays, and infrared asphalt repairs.

Why is my new asphalt driveway cracking

You’re not alone if you just had a new asphalt driveway installed and are now noticing cracks. A lot of people experience this problem after their driveway is replaced.

In most cases, the cracks are simply due to shrinkage – but other factors can contribute to the problem.

This blog post will discuss 7 reasons why your new asphalt driveway is cracking. We will also provide some solutions to help prevent this from happening in the future.

1. The driveway wasn’t installed correctly

If the driveway wasn’t installed correctly, Paver didn’t install the base layer of asphalt properly. This can cause the asphalt to crack and settle over time.

Solution: Hire a reputable professional asphalt contractor with experience installing new asphalt driveways.

3. Contractor installed the driveway with poor-quality materials

The problem is that the materials used were of poor quality, and the workmanship was shoddy. As a result, the driveway has not been able to withstand the elements, and it is now in danger of crumbling.

If something isn’t done soon, the driveway will need to be replaced entirely. In the meantime, it’s essential to take steps to prevent further damage.

By patching up the cracks and sealing the asphalt surface, it’s possible to extend the driveway’s life and prevent further deterioration.

Solution: Patch up cracks and seal the surface to extend the entire driveway’s life.

2. There was a lack of proper drainage

If there is poor drainage, standing water can pool on the surface of the asphalt pavement and cause it to crack.

To avoid this, ensure adequate drainage around your new asphalt driveway during and after installation.

Solution: Ensure adequate drainage around your driveway during and after installation.

3. Not allowing time for the asphalt to cure before driving on it

If you drive on the asphalt too soon, it can cause it to crack. Heavy vehicles can compress the asphalt and cause it to crack under pressure.

Wait 24 hours after installation before driving on your new driveway to avoid this.

Solution: Wait 24 hours after installation before driving on your new driveway.

4. Allowing oil and gas spills to soak into the asphalt

If oil or gas spills are not cleaned up immediately, they can seep into the asphalt and cause it to weaken. This can lead to cracking over time.

To avoid this, clean up any spills as soon as they happen.

Solution: Clean up any oil or gas spills as soon as they happen.

5. Using salt or other de-icing chemicals during the winter months

Salt and other de-icing chemicals can damage the asphalt if used too frequently. They can cause the surface to become weak and brittle, leading to cracking.

Use these products sparingly during the winter months to avoid this problem.

Solution: Use salt and other de-icing chemicals sparingly during the winter months.

6. Lack of regular asphalt maintenance

If you don’t maintain your driveway, it can become cracked and damaged over time. Be sure to seal the asphalt every few years to keep it in good condition.

Solution: Seal the asphalt every few years to keep it in good condition.

7. Wet weather conditions during and after installation

The asphalt can become cracked if it rains during or immediately after installation. This is because the wet weather can cause the asphalt to soften and damage.

Solution: Wait for dry weather conditions before having your driveway installed.

Do you need a driveway repair?

If you have a cracked or damaged driveway, we can help. Nathan’s Paving & Seal Coating is a leading asphalt paving professional in Central PA.

New Asphalt driveway cracks make your home look unkempt and unattractive. We offer affordable solutions to fix them. Call us today!

We specialize in driveway repair, regular maintenance, replacement, and seal coats. Contact us today for a free estimate from a professional asphalt paver.


If you’re having new asphalt driveway issues, it’s likely due to one of the seven reasons we’ve discussed. However, Homeowners can avoid most of these problems by taking the necessary precautions during and after installation. Follow our tips, and you’ll be driving on your new driveway for many years!

What is the best temperature for asphalt paving?

It is important to get the temperature just right when paving asphalt. If it is too hot, the asphalt will be too soft and will not hold up over time. The asphalt will be brittle and prone to cracking if it is too cold.

In this blog post, we will discuss the best temperature for asphalt paving and how you can ensure that your pavement lasts for years to come!

What is the best temperature for asphalt paving, and why is it important to get it right?

When it comes to asphalt paving, the temperature is everything. Asphalt must be heated to a certain temperature to mix and apply properly.

If the asphalt is too cold, it will be challenging to work with and will not adhere properly to the surface. On the other hand, if the asphalt is too hot, it can cause the surface to deform. As a result, it is essential to heat the asphalt to the correct temperature before beginning any paving.

The best temperature for asphalt paving depends on the type of asphalt used but generally falls between 275 and 300 degrees Fahrenheit. You can ensure that your paving project will succeed by heating the asphalt to the proper temperature.

When is the best time of year to have asphalt paving done on your property?

Asphalt paving is a popular choice for both commercial and residential properties. It is durable, low-maintenance, and relatively inexpensive. However, timing is everything when it comes to asphalt paving.

The best time to do asphalt paving is in the late spring or early summer. This is because the weather is warm enough to allow the pavement to cure properly but not so hot that the asphalt becomes too soft.

As a result, your asphalt paving will last longer and look better if it is done during this time frame. Of course, you will need to consider the climate in your area before making a final decision.

You may need to schedule your asphalt paving for the year’s cooler months if you live in a region with scorching summers.

If the temperature drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit or goes above 100 degrees Fahrenheit, the asphalt curing process may be affected.

Asphalt is a versatile and popular material for commercial and residential projects, such as driveways, pathways, and parking lots.

A mixture of gravel, sand, and bitumen is heated to create asphalt until it liquefies. Once it has cooled and solidified, the asphalt is ready to use.

However, the asphalt may not cure properly if the temperature drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit or goes above 100 degrees Fahrenheit during the cooling process. As a result, the asphalt may be more susceptible to damage from weather and traffic.

Keeping track of the temperature during the asphalt curing process is vital to avoid these issues.

Doing so can ensure that your asphalt project will be solid and durable for years.

Tips for keeping your asphalt pavement in good condition

Asphalt pavement is durable and popular for many driveways, parking lots, and roads. However, it is essential to take proper care of asphalt to extend its lifespan and keep it looking its best. Here are some tips for keeping your asphalt pavement in good condition: 

These simple tips can keep your asphalt pavement looking new for many years.

Frequently asked questions

What is the best asphalt curing temperature?

The best temperatures for curing asphalt are usually between 75 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. However, if it is too cold— below 60 degrees—the asphalt will not cure as well. If it’s too hot, the asphalt can soften and cause problems. Generally, keeping the curing temperature between 75 and 90 degrees will produce the best results.

Who should you contact if you’re interested in having asphalt paving on your property?”

Contact us at Nathan’s Paving & Seal Coating for a free estimate! We are experienced professionals who can help you choose the best option for your paving project. Call us today at (717) 648-5030.